Carbon Goals

To Become Carbon Negative
Clean Harvest Farms is located at the gates of the Eagle Ford Shale, one of the largest natural gas and oil plays in the United States. Formations like Eagle Ford are responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions due to the energy-intensive nature of shale oil and gas extraction techniques, such as hydraulic fracturing. The impacts of global warming on South Texas are expected to be significant and wide-ranging.
Designed for efficiency
Clean Harvest Farms carefully considers our carbon footprint in everything we do. From choosing the Sun over artificial lighting to installing solar panels and practicing regenerative farming we are focused at every level of the company on reducing carbon.

Threats to water resources
Water availability will be impacted by global warming in South Texas. Increased evaporation rates and changes in precipitation patterns can reduce water supplies, exacerbating existing water scarcity issues. This can have implications for agriculture, municipal water supplies, and the overall health of ecosystems.
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